Customer vulnerability and insurance claims

Webinar featuring consumer champion, Which? and protection specialist, Cura

In its July 2024 research report, Which? identified some serious shortcomings in the insurance claims process. In this webinar, we were joined by Alastair Reed, from Which? and protection specialist Alan Knowles, who helped us unpick the findings from this damning report.

This in-depth webinar was inspired by Which?’s recent investigation into general insurance practices. We looked at a range of issues – such as almost half of all customers experiencing at least one problem during their claims journey – and that those in vulnerable circumstances were more likely to experience problems in their claims journey (63% compared to 33%).

“Widespread evidence of significant harm caused by insurers’ claims-handling processes.”

— Which? ‘Consumer harm in the insurance claims process’

“Insurers are failing to consistently ensure that customers in vulnerable circumstances are experiencing outcomes as good as those for other customers.”

— Which? ‘Consumer harm in the insurance claims process’

We explored how current practices may fall short of the new Consumer Duty standards – and the steps which can be taken to ensure compliance. By understanding the specific needs of vulnerable customers, businesses can improve services and foster trust. We discussed practical measures to enhance communication, transparency, and support, ensuring that all customers, especially the most vulnerable, receive fair treatment.

Alastair Reed

Alastair is the Principal Policy Adviser – Money, for Which? Alastair manages a team of public policy advisers working across personal finance to tackle consumer harm by making life simpler, fairer and safer for everyone. He represents UK consumers with policymakers and industry, and sits on various advisory groups. Alastair was previously a trustee of Which?’s two pension schemes. Before joining Which?, he held policy roles with a professional body, a think tank and in the UK parliament. 

Alan Knowles

Alan has worked in the protection market since 2005, originally as a web programmer but for the most part as an adviser. In 2012 Alan, alongside his wife Kathryn, setup Cura, a multi-award-winning protection intermediary, specialising in hard-to-place protection cases. Alan is also a member of the Access to Insurance Working Group, and an ex-chair and current board member of Protection Distributors Group. 

Andrew Gething

Andrew is the founder and managing director of MorganAsh. He is a recognised consumer vulnerability specialist and champion, is the driving force behind the award-winning consumer vulnerability management tool, MARS.

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


Sharing customer vulnerability data


Avoiding bad outcomes for vulnerable customers