Monitor vulnerable customers
MARS enables you to monitor customer vulnerability over a product’s lifetime – ensuring that vulnerability data is current and useful.
“The MARS tool negates the need for extensive training and handles most of the administration automatically, making this a far more cost-effective approach to consumer vulnerability.”
— Sheriden Davy, James Sharp
Vulnerability data needs to keep pace with life
Initial assessments are fine, but times change. There is a need or regulatory obligation to monitor vulnerabilities over the lifetime of a product, and to assess people again for different products and services.
MARS enables you to quickly reassess customers as needed, to monitor changes. These changes can be tracked in MARS and there is a full audit trail. This is useful to not just track vulnerabilities, but also to benchmark how you are responding to different cohorts of vulnerable customers.
Real people live in households (and not)
MARS caters for the real world, where individuals are part of a household, where they can move from one household to another, or where they may be a carer for – or responsible for – someone in a different household.
Avoid data decay
Regular assessments can help to avoid data becoming less relevant over time. Also, data in MARS can be cross-referenced with the Vulnerability Registration Service, or automatically augmented with more up-to-date data from other sources (additional costs may apply).